Age Management Medicine Group > Archives > November 2013 > November 2013 Accreditation

Conference Evaluation for CME Credit

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This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the Foundation for Care Management (FCM) and the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG).

 FCM is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

 FCM designates this educational activity for a maximum of 27 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

The Foundation for Care Management is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. Program #0347-9999-13-005-L01-P*.
*This CE activity is knowledge based.

The Foundation for Care Management is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Washington State Nurses Association Continuing Education Approval & Recognition Program (CEARP), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Note: Pre conference Track 2 on Practice Management is not accredited for continuing medical education and cannot be claimed for credit.

Learning Objectives  AMMG November 2013

Upon completion of this learning activity, the participant will be able to:

  • Understand what the most common nutrient deficiencies are; learn appropriate dosing for vitamin D, Calcium, Vitamin D and fish oil for various indications.
  • Understand the science and evidence basis for the protective effect of hormone optimization on cognitive function and understand the potential for continued neuroplasticity in the aging population.
  • Learn about the clinical usage of Testosterone including patient assessment protocols for diagnosing hypogonadism, clinical treatment options and practical methodologies.
  • Identify the symptoms of dysfunctional hypothalamic-pituitary function and the symptoms of endocrine miscommunications despite “normal” blood levels, and utilize the protocols discussed to bring benefit to patients who are interested in making a shift via HP axis support, cellular detox, and digestive health.
  • Understand the scientific literature as to the protective benefits of hormones on the brain and memory, the relationship of vascular dementia and the effects of hormones on preventing this pathology. 
  • Describe the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease and the effect of hormones on alpha secretase activity, and evaluate recent literature demonstrating removal of beta amyloid protein via IGF-1 augmentation.
  • Learn about the current evidence-based scientific literature and the clinical results that support the use of secretagogue as a logical first step approach to the treatment of GH deficiency in healthy individuals.
  • Learn how to property evaluate male patients for sexual function and understand the role endothelial disease plays in erectile dysfunction.
  • Understand the relationship between adult hormone deficiency and mortality and be able to use appropriate patient assessment protocols to diagnose adult onset growth hormone deficiency and how to administer the new clinical treatment options using IGF-1 and IGF-1 with IGF Binding Protein 3.
  • Grasp basic concepts of peptide biology and the physiological effects of peptides on organs and tissues; be able to identify current peptides commonly used in Age Management Medicine and compare and contrast standard bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to emerging peptide therapies on clinical outcomes in aging patients.
  • Understand the importance of trying to identify the asymptomatic patient that is at risk of a myocardial infarction or stroke and learn the value and how to use the Lp-Pla2 (PLAC) assessment test in clinical practice to identify patients with risk factors.
  • Understand the importance of assessing patients for both current medications and current diet and stress the importance of supplements in patient management.
  • Understand the evolution of medical care through the convergence of two potentially disruptive technologies, computer science and human genetics.
  • Understand the concept of “Precision Medicine” and how it can currently and in the future apply to Age Management Medicine.
  • Understand the relationship between Telomeres and Telomerase in autoimmune and systemic immune mediated disease and how telomerase activity may be able to influence prevention and treatment of these diseases.
  • Understand basic telomere biology and how to measure telomere length and what variables can slow down its premature shortening.
  • Understand the evidence-based assessment protocols for evaluation of female patients in an Age Management Program.
  • Recognize that women with coronary artery disease sometimes present with atypical symptoms, and that a higher index of suspicion is warranted to enable rapid diagnosis and treatment. 
  • Learn how to identify significant comorbidities and determine appropriate goals of care in women with CVD, recognizing the difference that exists in care patterns and patient outcomes between women and men.
  • Understand the risk factors for osteoporosis and those preparations of HRT used commonly and with demonstrated success and be able to delineate good candidates for the prevention of osteoporosis with HRT.
  • Identify non-BRCA testing available to identify a woman’s risk for breast cancer and apply the principles of NutriGenomic Medicine to form an individualized treatment plan.
  • Understand the evidence-based use for Testosterone in female patients and how to incorporate appropriate testing and clinical use into a patient treatment program.
  • Learn about the relationship between disorders in mood and cognition and the relationship to an imbalance in internal biochemistry, especially in neurotransmitter and hormone function, and how these imbalances can be diagnosed by appropriate laboratory testing and treatment with dietary changes, targeted nutritional supplementation and bio-identical hormones.
  • Learn the fundamental causes of female sexual dysfunction and understand the evidence-based medical and non-medical treatments for women with decreased libido.
  • Understand the onset of thyroid disease in the context of the adult woman’s hormonal transitions, along with an overview of the diagnostic and treatment process for early Hashimoto’s disease in the adult woman.
  • Understand the role of weight loss resistance in the obesity epidemic and review how transformative life coaching can overcome weight loss resistance due to self-sabotage, understanding the role of metaphysics in overcoming weight loss resistance.
  • Be familiar with an overview of mind-body medicine and the evidence behind it (emphasizing the bi-directionality of the mind-body connection and the connection between chronic stress and illness). 

  • Understand how to incorporate practical strategies into a patient treatment plan, including: Recharging your batteries in 15 minutes or less: Easy, practical, quick techniques to activate the relaxation response for busy people. Compare and contrast different relaxation / meditation techniques, thus enhancing the practitioner's tool box and providing a working knowledge of mind-body skills for mental health, optimal wellness and peak performance.
  • Be familiar with major factors which determine blood viscosity and what common diseases and conditions are associated with increased blood viscosity. 
  • Identify the issues in retrieving memories as an indicator of Alzheimer’s disease and how to apply FDG PET in the clinical differential diagnosis of memory disorders and traumatic brain injury.
  • Understand the incidence of traumatic brain injury, and the relationship to hormones. Learn how to use evidence-based methods of hormone replacement to treat TBI.


Age Management Medicine Conference 2018 Orlando - Integrative Metabolic & Functional CME Medical TrainingAge Management Medicine Conference 2018 Orlando - Integrative Metabolic & Functional CME Medical Training


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