Age Management Medicine Group > AMMG e-journal > May 2016 > Morris-AMMGTelomereBiologyTrackNov-May2016

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AMMG to Hold Telomere Biology Track at November Conference

Jeff Morris

The Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG) has announced that it will hold a full-day pre-conference track on Telomere Biology on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 at the 21st Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine Conference in Las Vegas. The track will provide a full day of evidence based scientific data and information on the biology of telomere and how it can be applied to age management medicine. It includes two unique, especially-for-AMMG telomere lab tests that will allow attendees to compare their personal results with the cohort. 

The two tests available to participants are:

Telomere Analysis Technology® (TAT®). A clinically validated diagnostic assay for assessing the level of organismal aging, measuring individual telomeres at the chromosomal level—cell by cell—in purified peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) or any cell that is plated. The TAT provides the percentage of short telomeres—those driving replicative senescence and shown to be a significant contributing factor to the onset of age-related chronic disease.

Immunology Test—not commercially available, an AMMG exclusive. An evaluation of senescent cells. Progressive telomere shortening with cell division leads to disrupted cell function and cellular senescence. Telomere length in a certain type of white blood cell (CD8/CD28- T cells) proves to be the best predictor of infection and a key marker of immune system health. A reduction in the number or count of senescent cells reflects a positive tendency, while an increase is a negative tendency.

The planned agenda for the track includes:

• Your telomere/immunology testing results—compare them to the cohort results

• Telomere biology & treatment strategies

• Telomeres & human organ systems

• Patient assessment—baseline telomere, immunology testing, interpreting results

• Cellular senescence in aging—role of telomerase/telomerase activation

• Rare telomere disorders

• Lifestyle & telomeres—stress, diet, exercise

• Telomeres & cancer

• Telomeres & genomics

• Future of telomeres—improving health & lifespan


For more information about the Telomere Biology track, email

For additional information about the 21st Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine Conference, visit



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